Spiritual activities at Merindah are entrusted to Opus Dei, a personal prelature of the Catholic Church which helps ordinary lay people seek holiness in and through their everyday activities, especially through work.
Thursdays - 6:00 pm
Saturdays - 4:00 pm
Also available upon request for an appointment.
For Highschool & University Students
Saturdays 4:30pm
Time of guided prayer given by a Catholic priest based on the scenes from the Gospels. Listeners are invited to engage in personal prayer and to contemplate the life and teachings of Christ. The meditations aim to provide practical lessons relevant to day-to-day life.
Monthly Recollection
For University Students & Young Professionals
Monday ​6:00pm - 8:30 pm
For Women
Thursday 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Saturday 2:00pm - 4:30pm
A monthly recollection is a time to step back from our daily life, renew our relationship with God and learn about how to love others better. It is an opportunity to reassess and renew our resolutions, to bring a fresh outlook to our life.
It includes a Meditation given by a priest, a practical talk on Christian living from a lay person, some spiritual reading and time for personal prayer and examination of conscience. The sacrament of confession is also available throughout this time.
Classes on the Catholic Faith
For Women:
18-21 March & 17-20 June 2021
For Young Professionals:
22-25 April & 27-29 August 2021
A retreat is a special time to break from the usual activities of life, a time to reflect and to ask oneself: How is life going? Where is my life headed? Where is God in all this? It is a time to assess the present and make resolutions for the future, and to discern how to apply those resolutions in a practical way to one’s daily life.
Weekend retreats include daily Mass, time for personal prayer, reflections and talks on central themes related to living a Christian life within one's personal circumstances. There are times for confession and personal spiritual direction.